We develop impactful, equal and desired public sector digital services for Finland. In these fields we work in:
Data management and data processing.
We promote data management and data processing through extensive national collaboration. The Virta project supports the future regions, who will be providing social care and primary healthcare services, in their data management. Within the AuroraAI programme, data management solutions are put into place with the objective of improving the targeting of public services. We produce data management operating models and tools for the Ministry of the Interior’s Rescue Services. We also develop data management platforms such as those used by the Ministry of the Interior’s Rescue Services and AuroraAI.
Social and health care digital services.
In collaboration with various actors, we develop social and health care services which are available to everyone living in Finland. Omaolo.fi is a national social and health care digital service which enables people to promote their own health and well-being together with professionals. The general medical helpline, 116117, is a social and health care advice and guidance service for making urgent contact with the services; it is not for emergencies. We are also responsible for commissioning the Koronavilkku mobile application in the public health service.
Developing new digital services and technical solutions.
We execute projects such as the Electronic family centre which aims to develop an electronic service which brings together electronic services for families, young people and children, taking regional needs into account. We promote the archiving of old data through national collaboration within social and health care. We support the regions in integrating and consolidating national and local social and health care digital services. We participate in national working groups and in developing specifications by developing compatible integration solutions.
We provide specialist skills for bodies within government.
We support the Digital and Population Data Services Agency in commissioning the Suomi.fi electronic services. We are an important partner for the Ministry of the Interior’s Rescue Services and we promote several of their projects.